Friday, September 17, 2010

Real Life Heroes

This week's assignment was to pick someone who we considered to be a real life hero. What better than showcasing our military, either past or present. Members of our military fought for us unselfishly so that we could live in the land of the free.Without them, we wouldn't live in the country we have today. For this assignment, I attended the "Then and Now" event at the Pennsylvania Military Museum in Boalsburg, Pa. The two veterans showcased what it would have been like to be in the Civil War.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Flight 93 Memorial Ceremony- Shanksville, Pa

This September 11th marked the ninth anniversary since the attacks and the crash of flight 93. First ladies Laura Bush and Michelle Obama, along with Ed Rendell spoke at the Flight 93 Memorial ceremony in Shanksville, Pa. Family members and friends of the victims, military personnel, along with the public all attended the ceremony.

Monday, September 6, 2010

The Alphabet Portrait

This weeks' assignment, "The Alphabet Portrait," presented a bit of a challenge for me. Once I was given the letter "T," I began the search to find an occupation in the State College area that began with that letter. After two failed attempts of contacting certain occupations, I hit it big with Tattoo Mark's on Beaver Ave. The employees were great and very willing to help. I had a lot of fun with this assignment and hopefully the photos speak for themselves.